FB Square Making Methods
Here we will list all the methods we use to transform video into a square 🙏
Table of contents
Duplicate, Stretch and Blur
Темные стороны квадрата рекомендуется заполнить вторым слоем видео-дорожки с применением эффекта «Размытие по Гауссу»
Применяем эффект «Blur» 1.0
Для текста на светлом фоне затемняем параметр «Свет» до 0.35
Volunteering is a way of obliterating all limitations within you, to become absolutely willing. No spiritual process will happen to any human being unless he becomes willing. The basic essence of a spiritual process is to become willing, to become a 100% "yes" to life.
– Sadhguru